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1 Hotel(s) found(total 1 Hotel(s))

Toyoko Inn Saga Ekimae

1-10-36 Ekimae-Chuo, Saga city, Saga 840-0801 Japan

Access from the station (train)
1 min walk from Saga station South Exit on JR Nagasaki line
Access from the airport
35 min by bus from Saga Airport
Access from interchange (car)
15 min from Nagasaki Expressway Saga-yamato exit

  • Parking lot
  • Parking garage
  • Conference room
  • Heartful Room B
  • Buffet(free)

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  Adult(s) per room 

10 rooms or more

A reservation for 10 rooms or more is treated as a group reservation. Please check the following page.

for children

Free Accommodation Service for Children is available with below elementary school child. Children who use the bed alone and Guests over junior high school students is treatment same with adults.

Non-smoking / Smoking
Room type
Advanced condition