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Your Personal Information Registration

  1. Your Personal Information
  2. Input
  3. Registration complete

Please enter the following items.
REQPlease be sure to enter items

Toyoko inn Club card information

Member's Number
(Please Input If you has the Toyoko Inn Club Card)

Login information

Email AddressREQ

Please re-enter for confirmation(No Copy & Paste)

  • Please use a combination of two or more alphabets, numbers, and symbols, and use at least 8 characters.
  • Password such as your birthday, phone number, or keyboard layout should be avoided since it will be easily guessed by a third party.

Please re-enter for confirmation (No Copy & Paste)

My Account Info

Family Name
Given Name

Date of birth(A.D.)REQ

Contact Telephone Number(half-length numbers, no hyphen)REQ
Country of CitizenshipREQ
  • Zip code (without hyphens)

  • Prefectures

  • City address

  • Building / apartment name
Email Address2
Register the secondary email address if you would like to use it to receive Reservation Confirmation Email. It may be convenient when you make the reservation.
Company name
Register the company name if you would like to use it to assign the receipt address to.

Mail delivery settings

TOYOKO INN e-mail magazineREQ

Deals&with Gift!

Remind E-mailREQ

We will send you a confirmation of your reservation by e-mail on a day before your check-in.

Thanks E-mailREQ

We will send you an e-mail with gratitude to your stay and a questionnaire of accommodation (opinions) after your check-out.