This features frequently asked questions from our guests.
Please read through this section before contacting us.
It depends on the hotel.
As a general rule, parking is on a first come first served basis. (Some hotels require a reservation.)
Please check the hotel website or contact them for details. -
There is no parking for bikes or motorbikes. Parking for bikes or motorbikes depends on the hotel, so please contact them beforehand.
Most of our hotels do not have restaurants inside.Please ask the front desk for information on restaurants in the area.
Some hotels, however, have Shabu-Shabu Dali and BAR. Please click here for details.Please click here. -
It depends on the hotel. Please check the hotel website or contact them for details.
No hotel has a large public bath. Some hotels have a sauna. Please see here for the detail. Please click herefor details.
You can smoke in smoking rooms, and in rooms designated for e-cigarettes, only electronic or heated cigarettes are allowed. Other public areas are non-smoking, so please refrain from smoking there.
Some hotels have smoking areas outside the building. -
We offer facilities such as AED, lobby computers, color printers, vending machines, water server, ice machine, microwave, and laundry machines.
There are bath, shower, toilet, air conditioner, writing desk, safety box, refrigerator, humidifier, electric kettle (kettle and electric stove at some hotels), hair dryer, body soap, shampoo, conditioner, bath towel, face towel, slippers, TV, phone, mug, tea (stick), Tanoyaku magazine, etc.
- Toothbrush set, razors, combs and nightgowns are available for free in the lobby.
- A trouser press is available on each floor (or in each room depending on the hotel.)
Some hotels have Accessible Rooms. For details, please check the official page of each hotel or contact them directly.
Follow this link for details on Accessible Rooms. -
Free Wi-Fi is available on the lobby floor. Guest rooms have both LAN cable and Wi-Fi for free.
We do not offer room service. Please ask the front desk for information on restaurants in the area.